
Vitals Hometown: 10 cities (US Air Force brat) Education: BS, Morehouse College, 1985; PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1991 Current position: Director, School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, and professor of chemistry and environmental sciences, Arizona State University Book that made an impact on him: The Souls of Black Folk , by W. E. B. Du Bois. It allowed me to better understand American culture and society, put into words many of my experiences and thoughts, and revealed that Black people had possessed this deeper insight for centuries. Best professional advice he’s received: Trust in yourself, but put in the work to justify that trust. There’s a whole hidden molecular world floating around above our heads, and atmospheric chemist Vernon Morris is determined to demystify it. Morris, previously a professor at Howard University and now a director at Arizona State University’s New College

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