
This paper deals with dynamic reconfiguration of DES control within the context of manufacturing system to answer product variability or production resources availability. More precisely, it focuses on product-driven control (PDC) that embeds decisional and adaptation capabilities within the product. PDC can be defined in a static or dynamic way: in the first case, all switchable manufacturing trajectories are predefined and implemented in the product control while, in the second case, PDC can be seen as a non-deterministic and “on the fly” choice among control trajectories to fit with the manufacturing system availability and the product state. In this last case, PDC safety is ensured thanks to a filtering approach that enables to maintain PDC within a state space that satisfy functional and safety constraints whatever the control generated by the reconfiguration process is. This paper focuses on the definition and verification of a minimal set of constraints that ensure the sufficiency and the non blocking properties of the constraints. A case study illustrates the approach.

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