
A feasibility study of the classification of spine injuries by CT and MRI data according to the classification of Magerl for spine injuries. In 39 patients, 46 injured vertebrae were evaluated by means of CT and MRI. A single-slice helical CT (Somatom Plus S, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) was used with a collimation and feed of 2 mm and 3 mm, respectively. Sagittal reformations were reconstructed from these data sets. MR imaging was performed with 1.5T and 1.0T machines (Magnetom Vision and Magnetom Impact, Siemens). Transverse and sagittal T1-w SE- images as well as sagittal T2-w TSE- and STIR-images were generated. Each fractured vertebra was independently categorized two times according to the classification of Magerl on the basis of CT- and MRI-images. The CT- and MRI-classifications were subsequently compared. Most fractures were classified as impaction fractures (A1) or burst fractures (A3). Only 5/46 injuries of vertebrae were not given the same classification by means of CT and MRI (r = 0.9). MRI showed more bony lesions than CT (n. s., p > 0.05) and was able to evaluate ruptures of the longitudinal ligaments in 5 patients. Classification of spine injuries according to the Magerl-classification showed a significant agreement between CT and MRI and therefore a comparable evaluation of stability. MRI was superior in delineating ligamental lesions.

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