
Objective of the research is to determine wide contextual potential of linguistic units containing a verbalized non-verbal component. Object of the research is a non-verbal discourse of the modern Ukrainian oral speech; subject of the research is represented by lexical, word-forming, and semantic innovations representing live speech of the modern Ukrainians. Materials of the study include occasional and individual-author’s nominative units recorded in academic dictionaries and dictionaries of lexical as well as lexical and word-forming innovations of the 21st century. Methods of the research are the following: functional (a method of discourse and cognitive-onomasiological analysis), structural (in terms of transformational and component analysis), methods of associative analysis and statistic observation. The results are as follows: the paper has demonstrated that 1) application of morphological and syntactic word-forming mechanism is motivated by the system of communicative-pragmatic intentions of an addresser aimed at the increase in expressiveness or considerable modification of the communicative senses; and 2) increase in total volume of semantic structure of nominative patterns as a result of a) generalization of the initial meaning or widening in semantics; b) concretization or narrowing of the meaning of the initial unit; c) shifts in the meanings, in cases when semantically conventional forming basis is replaced by the basis being a non-verbal motivator, take place to determine communicative situation or modeling of communicative behaviour of an addresser. A methodology to design field structure (LSF) is proposed to study non-morphological methods of word formation; the methodology makes it possible to trace the processes of the formation of interpretational meanings of a lexeme – non-verbal motivator. Practical implication of the results and use of the proposed methods are possible in the process of further analysis of the mechanisms to verbalize non-verbals both at lexical and grammatical linguistic levels. Conclusions are drawn to emphasize the productivity of the process to verbalize non-verbals illustrated by the units of different linguistic levels; in this context, we can observe functional complexity of both word-forming and syntactic processes as well as efficiency of the inter-disciplinary approach which widens the boundaries of linguistic practice and may favour improvement of the linguistic and communicative competence of the native speakers.


  • Object of the research is a non-verbal discourse of the modern Ukrainian oral speech

  • individual-author's nominative units recorded in academic dictionaries and dictionaries

  • syntactic word-forming mechanism is motivated by the system of communicative-pragmatic intentions

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Мета дослідження – виявити широкий контекстний потенціал мовних одиниць, що містять у своєму складі омовлений невербальний компонент. Лексико-словотвірні й семантико-смислові інновації, що містять у своєму складі омовлений невербальний компонент, який належить до сектора знань, недостатньо репрезентованого в лінгвістиці, становлять один із прихованих ресурсів української мови в дискурсивній практиці, що й мотивує актуальність цього дослідження.

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