The article presents the results of a morpho-syntactic analysis of the most common verb constructions denoting the functional-semantic concept ʻhuman ageʼ in the Yakut language. The subject matter of the study is set expressions in Yakut containing verbs and participles. The relevance of the study is due to the lack of knowledge about the functionalsemantic concept PERSON’S AGE in Yakut linguistics. Scientific novelty of the study is in paying special attention not only to morphological forms and grammatical features, but also to semantics. It was shown that in expressing the functional-semantic concept PERSON’S AGE in the Yakut language, predicative constructions are used, including two types of participles: with the affix of possession -laah and with the affix of the past tense of the verb -byt. Constructions with -laah have a universal meaning denoting any age of a person. In the reproduction of the grammatical environment of predicates with the affix -byt, the following lexical-semantic groups of actants serving as subjects or objects of action were identified: borbui ʻkneesʼand meii (өй) ʻbrainʼ are used exclusively to describe the age of young, strong, intelligent people, while the names of tissues composed of cornified cells (battakh ʻhairʼ, bytik ʻbeard, mustacheʼ, tiis ʻteethʼ) are used exclusively to describe the age of older people. Further, it has been shown that in constructions with complex izafet the verbs of qualitative change of state are combined with a name in the dead genitive case (GEN) -n, in constructions with simple izafet the verbs of physical influence on an object operate with a name in the accusative case (ACC) -n. The ‘meteorological’ lexeme haar is recorded in two types of verb constructions: with the verbs үkten ʻto comeʼ—the onset of the year; and with the verbs tuһerbit/uullarbyt ʻmeltedʼ—living through the year.
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