
Fear and extinction learning are thought to generate distinct and competing memory representations in the hippocampus. How these memory representations modulate the expression of appropriate behavioral responses remains unclear. To investigate this question, we used cholera toxin B subunit to retrolabel ventral hippocampal (vHPC) neurons projecting to the infralimbic cortex (IL) and basolateral amygdala (BLA) and then quantified c-Fos immediate early gene activity within these populations following expression of either contextual fear recall or contextual fear extinction recall. Fear recall was associated with increased c-Fos expression in vHPC projections to the BLA, whereas extinction recall was associated with increased activity in vHPC projections to IL. A control experiment was performed to confirm that the apparent shift in projection neuron activity was associated with extinction learning rather than mere context exposure. Overall, results indicate that hippocampal contextual fear and extinction memory representations differentially activate vHPC projections to IL and BLA. These findings suggest that hippocampal memory representations orchestrate appropriate behavioral responses through selective activation of projection pathways.

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