
Abstract: Moushuni island is one of the island of Indian Sundarban, but changes of vegetation cover is occurred due to natural and anthropogenic activity. The aim of this paper is to emphasis the changes of vegetation cover between 2000 and 2020 of Moushuni island. Vegetation indices like Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is used to identify the changes of vegetation cover from 2000 to 2020. Based on NDVI value, the study area is classified into four classes -Dense vegetation, Sparse Vegetation(vegetated), No vegetation and Water. Result shows an overall increase of dense vegetation cover (8.1%) in the island. The percent of vegetated area coverage is decreased during the study period. The major cause of decrease vegetation may be attributed to increase of rural settlement and salinisation. Keywords: Moushuni, NDVI, Dense vegetation, Vegetated, Salinisation.

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