
Since the dawn of civilization, the human mind has been drawn to the mysteries of the universe: how it came to be, how it has evolved over millennia, and where it will end. Religion, philosophy, the arts, literature, and science are all attempts to quench the human mind’s insatiable curiosity. Since time immemorial, the search for unity in diversity has been at the heart of India’s quest. And the unity was discovered over 5000 years ago, at least through deep intuition if not empirically (the sheer demand of time makes retrieving any empirical data impossible)! The ultimate unity was thought to exist beyond all forms of matter and energy and was referred to as ‘Brahman’ (which simply means vastly expanded) or ‘Chaitanyam’ (Consciousness Principle). And ’Spandanam,’ which means vibration, was posited in the Vedanta as the fundamental factor for the creation of the universe through several ‘cosmological intermediates.’ Inspired by these Vedantic claims, we proposed that ‘vibration’ can be added to the 4-vector Space-time continuum (ST). We discovered that the quantum oscillation energy (QOE) in a quantum harmonic oscillator (QHO) in a certain boundary condition (constant phase space) increases with decreasing frequency and reaches infinity at zero displacements under a 5-vector Space-Time-Vibration (STV) continuum. The state with increasing potential energy with decreasing vibrational displacement is termed a Like-Potential Energy (LPE) state here. We have shown that LPE dynamics leads to a state beyond all vibration, all forms of matter and energy, and thus to a ‘Unified State’ that unites all forces exactly as proclaimed in the Vedanta. Thus, we have shown that the LPE dynamics corroborates some fundamental conclusions of Vedanta.

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