
In order to investigate both satisfaction and dissatisfaction with vasectomy as well as factors motivating persons to seek a vasectomy, a trial questionnaire and preliminary interviews were conducted. 29 men filled out the trial questionnaire. 19 had undergone the operation during the previous 6 weeks, while 9 had had it 3 or more years earlier. Discomfort during the operation was reported by 5 as "strong", by 5 as "moderate," and by 11 as "slight", or "none". All the men reported that if they had the choice to make again they would select the vasectomy as their preferred method of birth control. They also indicated that their wives would again agree to the operation. Detailed information was gathered from 9 couples who lived in the same university community. All the husbands and most of the wives were college graduates as opposed to the 29 men who filled out the questionnaire who were largely skilled and semi-skilled workers. The majority of the men reported no negative after-effects from the operation, but most of them had undergone the vasectomy some time in the past, so forgetting may have been a factor. The major motivating factor for having the vasectomy appeared to be dissatisfaction with contraceptives. Two-thirds of the sample said that there had been an improvement in their sex life as a result of the operation. All husbands and wives with the exception of 1 of each said that they would recommend the operation to others. These 2 people were reluctant to have the vasectomy performed in the first place. It would seem advisable for couples to reach complete agreement before the vasectomy operation is performed, if necessary, with the help of a counselor.

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