
Due to the increasing threat of terrorist attacks and assassinations even in Europe, the interest in management of severe vascular injuries, which, with an increased incidence of 10% are to be expected with such penetrating wounds, is also growing; however, with increasing subspecialization in surgery there is a threat that the know-how in vascular surgery will become lost among non-vascular surgical specialists. Therefore, the Germany military established an educational program, the so-called DUOplus concept, to ensure that future military surgeons acquire and retain the experience and skills to fulfill the demanding role of adeployed surgeon. The DUOplus concept of the German Medical Forces is introduced with a special focus on vascular surgery training. All trainee German military surgeons attain asecond specialization alongside general surgery. This residency includes several courses in various surgical specialties as well as a12-month rotation in a vascular surgery department. The core elements of vascular trauma training are two practical courses on life-like models. In these courses, which were developed especially for the needs of non-vascular surgeons in hands-on training, open surgical techniques and damage control measures including resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) are taught on suitable models and intensively practiced. All surgeons potentially confronted with traumatic and iatrogenic vascular injuries should have some basic competence in the management of vascular trauma. Especially the courses in vascular surgery for non-vascular surgeons offer such askill set for every surgeon. Next to the German military surgeons, the courses are attended more and more by civilian and military surgeons from different surgical specialties and nationalities.

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