
A method was proposed to investigate the effects of modifying, via magnetic fields, both modules and directions of the net gravitational body forces of gas and liquid and to follow their incidence on the evolution of pressure drop, wetting efficiency, and liquid holdup in cocurrent gas−liquid downflow and upflow fixed beds. New pseudogravity cases arose and were rationalized in terms of driving or resisting forces in two-phase flows. The method was based on applying on nonmagnetic (paramagnetic and diamagnetic) fluids strong static inhomogeneous magnetic fields generated in the vertical atmospheric bore of a superconducting magnet. Depending on the signs of the magnetic susceptibility and of the gradient of magnetic induction, the gas or liquid was subjected to macrogravity, microgravity, and retrogravity. Gas and liquid in microgravity, gas in macrogravity and liquid in microgravity, gas in retrogravity and liquid in macrogravity, and gas and liquid in retrogravity were the combinations studied. The vari...

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