
PurposeThe following paper aims to study how the variety seeking behaviour impacts the value creation process and in turn has implications on customer loyalty. It also tries to measure the success of the coalition loyalty programmes which satisfy the variety seeking behaviour. Design/Methodology/Approach: A structured questionnaire was developed and various aspects of the loyalty programme were studied. The data analysis consisted of exploratory factor analysis, chi-square analysis and Fisher's exact analysis test. Findings: The study reveals the importance of acceptance of variety seeking behaviour as a value which the customer derives by joining the coalition based loyalty programmes. It also reveals how the ease and simplicity of joining the coalition programme has an impact on the loyalty levels. Practical implications: We believe that this research will benefit the managers in strategizing for particular segments of their loyalty programme members. It will enable their understanding of the fact the greater customer co-creation, higher are the loyalty levels. Originality/Value: There has been little research on the variety seeking behaviour and its impact on the loyalty levels of the customer. This research paper tries to fill in this gap. It also tries to link Co-creation of the consumption experience and its impact on the loyalty levels. Limitations/Future research: This research was done in India and therefore a wider geographic and demographic reach and study across comparative coalition loyalty programmes will help to establish the model proposed.

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