
VARICOSE VEINS is clinical class of chronic venous disease. Varicose veins also known as varicosities. Varicose veins are tortuous, twisted, enlarged veins, dilated veins most commonly located on the lower extremities. The diseases also show various associated symptoms which worsens the condition of the varicose veins. The ascendancy of varicose veins vary. This review articles deals with brief introduction regarding the etiopathogesis of varicose veins associated with key word cause symptoms, treatment, risks factors, management, complications, conclusion and reference. Varicose veins in the lower limb are affect at least a third (30%) of the population. such a condition that increases pressure on the legs veins such as obese, lack of exercise, pregnancy, hormonal fluctuation, smoking etc. Researchers report that a mild care of varicose veins does not usually require a doctor care, discomfort can be relieved with at home treatment and various alternative remedies, such as color therapy, diet and supplements, herbal therapy exercises, yoga, homeopathy and hydro therapy etc.

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