
For the past five years, cashew has played an important role in the performance of the agricultural sector in Côte d'Ivoire. However, weeds represent one of the major constraints that compromise its production. The objective of this study is to characterize the weed flora and to identify the species most harmful to cashew cultivation in the Bafing region, precisely in the locality of Touba located in the North-West of the Côte d'Ivoire. Knowing the weed flora is necessary in order to carry out an effective fight against it. One hundred and twenty-four (124) surveys were carried out in cashew orchards in the localities of Kôssafinisso, Mandougou, Sesso, Têkor and Timinnnisso. The floristic inventory identified eighty two (82) weed species divided into sixty three (63) genera belonging to twenty five (25) families. By grouping according to botanical classes, the Dicotyledons represent 67% of the weed flora and the Monocotyledons, 33%. Poaceae (19%), Fabaceae (13%), Asteraceae (11%), Rubiaceae (9%), Malvaceae (6%), Cyperaceae and Euphorbiaceae (5% each) dominate the listed species. Regarding the biological types, therophytes and nanophanerophytes are the best represented with respectively 45% and 22% of species. The quantitative floristic analysis shows that the species most harmful to cashew cultivation are Fleischmannia microstemon, Chromolaena odorata and Rottboellia cochinchinensis.

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