
Varicose ulcers occur due to chronic venous occlusion. This insufficiency leads to ischemia in the vascular supply of the leg, which results in regurgitation of blood through venous valves. When this happens in the cephalous group of veins, it results in varicose ulcers of the leg. The prevalence of chronic venous ulcers in the leg is 70%–80%. If these ulcers are ignored, they can land into cellulitis, gangrene. In Ayurveda perspective, varicose ulcers can be defined as with Vrana developed due to Siragat Vat and also with Vatatrakta. Varicose ulcers can be treated with Ayurveda principles effectively. Its recurrence is common so it also can be prevented by Ayurveda principles. This case was treated on the line of Vatarakta and Dushta Sirajanyavrana. The first target was to correct the Vrana so the drug having property to Vrana Shodhan and Ropan (wound healing and cleaning) was selected. Kleda Nashak and Shothahar (edema), and Raktashodhak and Prasadana (blood purify and circulation). Raktamokshan (bloodletting) helps in the removal of Utkleshit (vitiated) Dosha of site of disease and thus cures the disease faster. By applying these principles, this case shows a marked improvement in all clinical presentations of varicose ulcer and stasis eczema. These are the outcomes of this case. Present case was treated with Ayurveda principle and less period of time, details of case are discussed here. Allopathic medicine can leads to recurrence of diseases as shown in the present case but with the help of Ayurveda treatment chances of recurrences are minimized that is why this is unique case. This case report proposes an innovative treatment protocol to treat varicose ulcers, which needs to study on large scale.

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