
Abstract Alport syndrome is a genetically inheritable condition occurring due to alterations in the alpha-5 chain of type 4 collagen. This affects the cochlea in the inner ear, the eyes, and the basement membrane in the glomerulus. The prevalence of the disease is 1 in 50,000, with a higher incidence among males. According to Ayurveda, defects in Shukra (sperm) or Shonita (ovum) lead to the development of Adi Bala Pravritta Rogas (genetic disorders). Ayurveda literature contains certain references to ocular, auricular, and renal manifestations of genetic disorders. In this case, a patient presented with complaints of gradual, progressive, painless vision impairment in both eyes over the last 5–6 years along with gradual impaired hearing over the past year. Ocular examination revealed bilateral anterior lenticonus. The tuning fork test suggested sensorineural hearing loss in both ears. Urine routine and bio-microscopic analysis showed hematuria. Currently, there is no viable cure for Alport syndrome in modern science. This case study highlights the potential of the Ayurvedic medical system to slow the progression of the disease and enhance the patient’s quality of life through a holistic approach.

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