
• In the tropical intertidal zones, little is known on water uptake by mangroves. Transpiration rates are generally measured at leaf level, but few studies exist on water use at tree or stand levels.• The objective of this study was to measure sap flow in trees of different sizes to appreciate the range of variation in water use that may exist in a site dominated by 80% mature Avicennia germinans .• The results showed that from the dry to the wet season the mean water use increased from 3.2 to 5.3 dm 3 d −1 in small trees (DBH 13 cm), from 11.5 to 30.8 dm 3 d −1 in medium trees (∼24 cm) and from 40.8 to 64.1 dm 3 d −1 in large ones (∼45 cm).• Sapwood remained active up to a depth of 8 cm with radial variations within the stem. Weak correlations were obtained with VPD and net radiation.• This study confirmed that transpiration was larger under low levels of salinity. Water use at stand level (∼1900 living stems ha −1 ) was estimated to be in the range of 5.8 to 11.8 m 3 ha −1 d −1 according to the season.

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