
Participants of the search movement in Russia theoretically should possess basic knowledge about the anatomy of the human skeleton, as well as age and sex-related bone variability. In practice, the knowledge of searchers in this field depends solely on their personal interest in studying the subject. The results of testing, which examined the ability of searchers to use graphic schemes for determining sex and age, were quite low. The ratings are characterized not only by extreme variability but often poorly correlate with the proposed analysis schemes. More experienced searchers were generally more accurate in their evaluations. This circumstance is probably more related to their greater concentration on the task than to real positive experience of comparing skeletal characteristics and a person’s passport age. Undoubtedly, the unsatisfactory results are partly explained by the conditions of the test — the mass gathering of a large number of people, background noise in the hall, and time constraints of the event. Overall, the testing proved to be eloquent evidence of the low effectiveness of group classes devoted to anthropological techniques for individuals not specializing in anthropology.

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