
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author thanks X. Wang for guidance and help with museum access and loans. The following people are acknowledged for their help in accessing the respective collections: J. Galkin, J. Meng (AMNH); A. Currant, C. Delmer, R. Pappa (BM); S. Chen, W. He (HMV); Q. Li, Z.D. Qiu, Z.X. Qiu (IVPP); G. Takeuchi (LACM); J-O. Ebbestad, V. Berg-Madsen (PMU); J. Indeck (PPHM); P. Holroyd, S. Tomiya (UCMP); and M. Carrano (USNM). X. Ni (AMNH) helped with stereomicroscope photography. J. Liu (University of Alberta) provided comments and much support in spirit. T. Konishi (Royal Tyrrell Museum) provided stimulating discussion. The editor and reviewers provided helpful comments. Research was funded by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and a Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (DEB-0909807). Handling editor: Blaire Van Valkenburgh

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