
This paper explores the non-convex composition optimization consisting of inner and outer finite-sum functions with a large number of component functions. This problem arises in important applications such as nonlinear embedding and reinforcement learning. Although existing approaches such as stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and stochastic variance reduced gradient (SVRG) descent can be applied to solve this problem, their query complexities tend to be high, especially when the number of inner component functions is large. Therefore, to significantly improve the query complexity of current approaches, we have devised the stochastic composition via variance reduction (SCVR). What's more, we analyze the query complexity under different numbers of inner function and outer function. Based on different kinds of estimation of inner component function, we also present the SCVRII algorithm, though the order of query complexities are the same with SCVR. Additionally, we propose an extension to handle the mini-batch cases, which improve the query complexity under the optimal mini-batch size. The experimental results validate our proposed algorithms and theoretical analyses.

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