The concept of integration of transistors evolves towards smaller line widths. This can be achieved by the prominent Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) technology. The level of integration of silicon technology as measured in terms of number of devices per IC. This leads to the idea of scaling in MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) devices. Scaling enhances the design or manufacturing of extremely small complex circuitry using modified semiconductor material. But eventually scaling leads to short channel effects (SCEs). To enable future technology scaling, new device structures like MULTIGATE MOSFET refers to a MOSFET (metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor) which includes quite one gate into a sole device have been proposed. These Nano scale devices have a significant potential to scale beyond the perceived scaling limitations of traditional CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor). The present work involves several distinct features, viz. The main objective is to reduce the Short Channel Effects (SCE) and effects of surface potential variation by using Triple Material Double Gate MOSFET (TMDG) in which the gate is made of three materials with different work functions. For analysing a short channel effects in Triple material double gate MOSFET, a 2-D Analytical channel potential and minimum surface potential is developed by solving the two dimensional Poisson's equation using variable separation method(superposition technique). To simulate surface potential behavior of TMDG, TCAD Simulator is used for investigating novel features offered by the device.
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