
With advanced capability in data collection, applications of linear regression analysis now often involve a large number of predictors. Variable selection thus has become an increasingly important issue in building a linear regression model. For a given selection criterion, variable selection is essentially an optimization problem that seeks the optimal solution over 2m possible linear regression models, where m is the total number of candidate predictors. When m is large, exhaustive search becomes practically impossible. Simple suboptimal procedures such as forward addition, backward elimination, and backward-forward stepwise procedure are fast but can easily be trapped in a local solution. In this article we propose a relatively simple algorithm for selecting explanatory variables in a linear regression for a given variable selection criterion. Although the algorithm is still a suboptimal algorithm, it has been shown to perform well in extensive empirical study. The main idea of the procedure is to partition the candidate predictors into a small number of groups. Working with various combinations of the groups and iterating the search through random regrouping, the search space is substantially reduced, hence increasing the probability of finding the global optimum. By identifying and collecting “important” variables throughout the iterations, the algorithm finds increasingly better models until convergence. The proposed algorithm performs well in simulation studies with 60 to 300 predictors. As a by-product of the proposed procedure, we are able to study the behavior of variable selection criteria when the number of predictors is large. Such a study has not been possible with traditional search algorithms.This article has supplementary material online.

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