We integratively assessed the function of alternative versions of a region near the N terminus of Drosophila muscle myosin heavy chain (encoded by exon 3a or 3b). We exchanged the alternative exon 3 regions between an embryonic isoform and the indirect flight muscle isoform. Each chimeric myosin was expressed in Drosophila indirect flight muscle, in the absence of other myosin isoforms, allowing for purified protein analysis and whole organism locomotory studies. The flight muscle isoform generates higher in vitro actin sliding velocity and solution ATPase rates than the embryonic isoform. Exchanging the embryonic exon 3 region into the flight muscle isoform decreased ATPase rates to embryonic levels but did not affect actin sliding velocity or flight muscle ultrastructure. Interestingly, this swap only slightly impaired flight ability. Exchanging the flight muscle-specific exon 3 region into the embryonic isoform increased actin sliding velocity 3-fold and improved indirect flight muscle ultrastructure integrity but failed to rescue the flightless phenotype of flies expressing embryonic myosin. These results suggest that the two structural versions of the exon 3 domain independently influence the kinetics of at least two steps of the actomyosin cross-bridge cycle.
Myosin powers muscle shortening by converting the chemical energy of ATP into actin movement through conformational changes in the myosin head
We recently compared the functional properties of two Drosophila myosin isoforms that differ in all four S-1 variable regions, the indirect flight muscle isoform (IFI) and a major embryonic body wall muscle isoform (EMB) (19)
Generation of Transgenic Lines—We generated multiple transgenic Drosophila lines expressing chimeric myosins with alternative exon 3 regions exchanged between the EMB and IFI isoforms
Myosin DNA Construct Preparation—To determine the functional role of the MHC region encoded by exon 3, we constructed two P element-based transgenes. The first transgene, IFI-3a, allows expression of only the “embryonic” version of exon 3 (3a) in all MHC isoforms, including the IFI isoform It was constructed by replacing the entire exon 3 coding region and flanking introns in pWMHC2, a wild type genomic Mhc clone (5), with a fragment containing only exon 3a (from an embryonic cDNA, P[wϩ Mhcemb]lw or Mhcemb (20)). Actin-activated ATPase assays were performed in 0.15 ml of assay solution consisting of 10 mM imidazole, pH 6.0, 20 mM KCl, 0.1 mM CaCl2, 1 mM MgCl2, 1 mM [␥-32P]ATP, and myosin to a final concentration of 70 nM. Calcium in this buffer does not affect basal or actinactivated Mg-ATPase rates..
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