
We have cloned two types of variable copy number DNA sequences from the rice embryo genome. One of these sequences, which was cloned in pRB301, was amplified about 50-fold during callus formation and diminished in copy number to the embryonic level during regeneration. The other clone, named pRB401, showed the reciprocal pattern. The copy numbers of both sequences were changed even in the early developmental stage and eliminated from nuclear DNA along with growth of the plant. Sequencing analysis of the pRB301 insert revealed some open reading frames and direct repeat structures, but corresponding sequences were not identified in the EMBL and LASL DNA databases. Sequencing of the nuclear genomic fragment cloned in pRB401 revealed the presence of the 3'rps12-rps7 region of rice chloroplast DNA. Our observations suggest that during callus formation (dedifferentiation), regeneration and the growth process the copy numbers of some DNA sequences are variable and that nuclear integrated chloroplast DNA acts as a variable copy number sequence in the rice genome. Based on data showing a common sequence in mitochondria and chloroplast DNA of maize (Stern and Lonsdale 1982) and that the rps12 gene of tobacco chloroplast DNA is a divided gene (Torazawa et al. 1986), it is suggested that the sequence on the inverted repeat structure of chloroplast DNA may have the character of a movable genetic element.

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