
The objective of this study was to classify median palatine suture (MPS) maturation type in young and adult patients. Additionally, we compared MPS maturity type and density based on sex and growth status. In this retrospective cone beam computed tomography study, we included a total of 221 subjects, grouped based on sex and growth status. Once scans were aligned and oriented in the sagittal view, we conducted our evaluations on the axial sections. Based on interdigitation and shape, the MPS were categorized into Maturation Types A through E. Additionally, MPS density was measured as Hounsfield unit equivalent pixel intensity value scale for anterior and posterior sutural regions. The majority of male (39%) and female (42%) subjects had MPS Maturation Type C. A maximum number of growing (42%) patients had Type C and nongrowing subjects (39%) had Type E sutures. The sex comparison showed significantly lower (p < .001) MPS density for both anterior and posterior regions in males when compared to females. Additionally, for the posterior region, nongrowing males had significantly lower (p < .001) MPS density when compared to nongrowing females. Subgroup comparisons of the MPS densities between growing and nongrowing males and growing and nongrowing females showed a significant difference (p < .001). Classification of the MPS based on the maturation types provides a reliable predictor for orthodontic treatment planning. MPS density is significantly higher in females as compared to males. Similarly, nongrowing individuals have significantly higher MPS density compared to growing individuals for both anterior and posterior locations.

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