
Global remote sensing of solar-induced fluorescence (SIF), a proxy for plant photosynthetic activity, represents a breakthrough in the systematic observation of global-scale gross primary production and other ecosystem functions. Here, we hypothesize that all earth ecosystem variabilities, including SIF, are affected by climate variations. The main contribution of this study is to apply a global empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of SIF to quantify the relations between the large-scale GPP variability and climate variations. We used 2007–2019 SIF data derived from the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) satellite sensor observations and a rotated empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis to explore global SIF variability over years and decades. The first leading EOF mode captures the well-known ENSO pattern, with most of the variance over continents in the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans. The second and third leading EOF modes in SIF variability are significantly related to the NAO and PDO climate indices, respectively. Our analysis also shows that the 2011 La Niña (2015 El Niño) elevated (decreased) global SIF.

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