
High platelet reactivity in patients with ischemic noncardioembolic stroke is associated with an increased risk of recurrent ischemic events. However, their determinants are still poorly understood. The aim of our study was to examine changes in mean platelet volume in patients with ischemic stroke in the early recovery period depending on comorbidity.Material and methods. Clinical and laboratory analysis of 90 patients with acute noncardioembolic stroke of the early recovery period. Among those surveyed were 49 men and 41 women aged (60.42 ± 6.8) years. Platelet count (PLT) and mean platelet volume (MPV) were determined on an Abacus 30 hematology analyzer.Results. Significantly more often, the highest mean platelet counts were observed in patients with atherothrombotic subtype of ischemic stroke with greater neurological deficit. Patients with the highest MPV rates had a higher prevalence of diabetes, an elevated body mass index, and a degree of cerebral atherosclerosis compared with patients with lower MPV levels.Conclusion. The increase in MPV in patients with ischemic stroke is observed in parallel with the increase in the influence of known factors in the development of cardiovascular diseases that cause the progression of vascular endothelial damage and atherothrombosis and indicates an increased risk of recurrent stroke.


  • High platelet reactivity in patients with ischemic noncardioembolic stroke is associated with an increased risk of recurrent ischemic events

  • The aim of our study was to examine changes in mean platelet volume in patients with ischemic stroke in the early recovery period depending on comorbidity

  • More often, the highest mean platelet counts were observed in patients with atherothrombotic subtype of ischemic stroke with greater neurological deficit

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Висока реактивність тромбоцитів у пацієнтів із перенесеним ішемічним некардіоемболічним інсультом асоціюється із збільшенням ризику повторних ішемічних подій. Достовірно частіше найвищі показники середнього об’єму тромбоцитів відзначалися у пацієнтів з атеротромботичним підтипом ішемічного інсульту з більшим неврологічним дефіцитом. Пацієнти з найвищими показниками MPV мали більшу поширеність діабету, підвищений індекс маси тіла та ступінь церебрального атеросклерозу порівняно з пацієнтами з нижчими рівнями MPV.

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