
AbstractThis study presents the first continuous observations of Iceland Scotland Overflow Water (ISOW) passing through the Bight Fracture Zone (BFZ), the northernmost deep bathymetric channel across the Reykjanes Ridge between the Iceland and Irminger Basins in the subpolar North Atlantic. Data from two 2‐year moorings, measuring temperature, salinity, and current velocity from 2015 to 2017, along with a set of deep ISOW‐embedded RAFOS floats, are used to investigate ISOW transport and water property variability through the BFZ, as well as advective pathways between the Iceland and Irminger Basins. The mooring‐derived record‐mean ISOW transport through the BFZ was −0.59 ± 0.27 × 1e6 m3/s (westward) and varied seasonally with weaker transport in winter and stronger transport in summer. Flow direction of ISOW through the BFZ was consistently westward except in winter, when week‐long flow reversals were frequently observed. The previously reported subpolar North Atlantic freshening event of the 2010s is evident in the BFZ mooring records beginning about January 2017. About one‐quarter of floats deployed in ISOW at 1800‐m depth upstream in the Iceland Basin show a direct advective pathway into the BFZ that appears to be primarily determined by bathymetry. Another quarter of the floats crossed over the ridge to the Irminger Sea through other gaps prior to reaching the Charlie‐Gibbs Fracture Zone.

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