
Literary works, apart from being written with an artistic purpose, contribute to the transfer of some universal values to the reader. Thus, “values” continue to exist as they are transferred from generation to generation, similar to a context where the curriculum of a teaching process may work in the same way. The act of transferring universal values not only makes the existing work constant but also the value attempted to be taught in the same manner. The effective involvement of such works, which contain important information and the characteristics of the society of that period, has an important effect on the learning and teaching process of values. “Şebistân-ı Hayâl” is an advising work with a mixture of verse and prose written by Persian poet Fettâhî (d. 852/1448-49 or 853/1449-50) from which modern readers can also benefit. The text tries to convey universal values via using Islamic elements as a concrete base. Since Şebistân-ı Hayâl is written in the style of riddle, the advice that adorns the morality inside the text is difficult to understand. For this reason, according to the current information, Şebistân-ı Hayâl was expounded by Sürûrî in the 16th century and by Dervîş Muhammed Şifâyî in the 17th century. In this study, sample texts selected from Şerh-i Şebistân-ı Hayâl, written by Dervîş Muhammed Şifâyî, are examined in terms of basic “values” (p. 6); justice, friendship, honesty, self-control, patience, respect, love, responsibility, benevolence that takes place in the Secondary Education Turkish Language and Literature Course Curriculum (9-12 Grades). As it is stated in the curriculum (MEB, 2019, p. 6), these values will come to life in teaching and learning process, not only by themselves, but also by the sub-values they are related to and also with other basic values as well.


  • Literary works, apart from being written with an artistic purpose, contribute to the transfer of some universal values to the reader

  • The basic values of justice, friendship, honesty, self-control, patience, respect, love, responsibility, patriotism, benevolence, which are included in the Turkish Language and Literature curriculum of MEB (Ministry of National Education) (Grades 9-12), will be described by using sample texts chosen from Şerh-i Şebistân-ı Hayâl

  • The data were obtained from Şifayi’s Şerh-i Şebistân-ı Hayâl and Turkish Language and Literature Curriculum (Grades 9-12) via document scanning method, and these data were described in the context of basic values cited in the Turkish Language and Literature Curriculum (Grades 9-12)

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Literature Review

The concept of value emerges as something that is being examined by especially rapidly evolving and changing societies. Technological, social and cultural features that have changed as a social phenomenon which is valid for “values” as well and this made it difficult to define the concept of value. The concept of value was used in social sciences by Znaniecki (as cited in Şen, 2008: 764) for the first time and it is derived from the base of “valere”, which means “being precious” and “being strong” in Latin. Based on the above-mentioned definitions, we can define the concept of value as “the total ethical principles that shape the humanity and direct the society in time”

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