
Lean thinking is an engineering approach to avoid non-value adding tasks or processes in manufacturing. Energy is used by manufacturing companies for direct production processes, space conditioning and facility support. Most of the lean analysis of energy studies are multivariable statistics application focused on energy use in processes. This paper aims to reduce energy utilization by the small and medium manufacturing companies by implementing energy based Value Stream Mapping. Value Stream Mapping is a graphical technique allows to detect the level of value added by a process. This study adopts Value Stream Mapping technique to detect level of energy use at each step of different processes either in production or in facility support. The determined energy utilization level is validated in accordance with the outside temperature, production volume and the amount of solar effect on the facility. This will alow the discovery of energy saving opportunities. The suggested model can be used not only for diagnostic purposes but also for energy budgeting and saving measures. A case study application is given to demonstrate the Energy Value Stream Maps (E-VSM).

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