
This paper, presented at the Conference Plenary, is devoted to the problem of formationof values and value orientations of a personality in mountain regions. The author asserts that valueorientation in mountain regions is a complex formation, which includes different levels and formsof interaction of public and individual personality. The article also regards and analyzes thehierarchy of values. It is mentioned that the personality value orientations in mountain regionsdon’t only determine the motivation of individual behavior but also forms his world outlook. Thespecial attention is also devoted to the pseudo-values. The author points out that they do notcontribute to human self-realization. The article also analyzes the reasons of forming of the valueorientation in mountain regions and gives the classification of people in accordance with thecommitment to certain values. The author touches the problem of cultural values of modern youth,the influence of electronic mass media and comes to the conclusion that classical culture begins tolose value and attractiveness. In conclusion the author says that the valued orientations inmountain regions occupy the central place in the psychical adjusting of man’s behavior. That iswhy considerable attention is spared to the study of valued-semantic sphere of personality on themodern stage of development of pedagogical science.

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