
The method laser Doppler-flowmetria (LDF) carries out research of indicators of a microcirculatory bed at 66 patients with fractures of long tubular bones the early postoperative period. It was established, that at patients as with an uncomplicated current, and development of the slowed down consolidation of fractures in the first days of a trauma the microcirculation indicator, the maximum amplitude of fluctuations of components of a vascular tonus decreases, the neurogenic, myogenetic tonus raises, the given parametres remain invariable for the second days of the postoperative period. At the slowed down consolidation reduction of an indicator of microcirculation and augmentation of indicators of components of a vascular tonus at the tenth days of a postoperative intervention becomes perceptible. Application of method LDF at fractures of long bones of extremities allows to supervise a current reparation process in the postoperative period and to expect possibility of development of disturbance of an osseous tissue at the stage of preclinical manifestations

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