
Value chain encompasses full range of activities from the production, distribution, processing, transporting and value addition, finally to the end consumer. Value chain analysis enables us to understand the various players involved, various activities which add value to the product and also the efficacy of the chain. In Horticultural sector in India, value chain analysis provides us an opportunity to map the chain, locate the actors involved as well as understand the different challenges in the movement of the product from the producers to the consumers. The agri-climatic diversity of India presents varied opportunities in terms of production as well as distribution of the horticultural crops. We tried to analyze three main regions, North West Himalayan region which comprises of Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh, North East Region comprising of Assam, Sikkim and six other sister states and Performer states whose area under horticulture and production of horticulture is significant. Based on the current production, area and productivity we analyzed the area and the value chain in each of the region. While the production among the big Performer states was significant for the total horticultural sector, there were issues in the value chain efficiency. Like the fertilizer and pesticide use was unscientific, credit supplies to the farmer wasn’t also effective. High perishability and lower marketing infrastructural capacity affected the overall progress of the sector in the region. In the North West and North East Himalayan States, poor connectivity, high terrain and low infrastructural development of the markets were the common obstacles for the growth and development of the sector. In the North East region contributing 4.5% of the horticultural produce, the Jhum Cultivation and lack of technological development have proven to be major roadblocks in the sector. Lack of marketing opportunities, inadequate processing centers at the primary and secondary centers impact the value of the produce. This lowers down the total remuneration accrued to the farmers. Proper infrastructural development like road connectivity, communication networking and adequate agricultural information dissemination at regular intervals is critical for better productivity and production of the horticultural crops in the region. Overall, value chain analysis helps us understand to the problems at each level of the production, value addition and transportation. With diverse agri-climatic regions, we have different challenges which need a bottom-up regional approach for effective development. This is in consonance with the recent launch of “One District, One Product” of Horticulture in the recent Budget, 2020-21.

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