
Today looking at the all prevailing and wide role of media in the society, its lack of quality content, negative coverage and resulting negative impact on the society is a matter of great concern. Most of the journalists and mass communicators are the product of some Journalism and Mass communication or media schools/colleges/institutions. The state of media education in these institutions is a matter of grave concern. They are far away from the objective of giving products that can play their role as a force of positive change in the society. To forge journalists with a sense of professional commitment, social responsibility and a minimum sense of value sensitivity, is the need of the hour and also a big challenge to implement. How can the center of higher learning be the breeding ground for such products is a million dollar question? Researcher has firm opinion that values are the core requirement of quality media education. Education without value is like body without soul. There is need to revive the values. The present paper is a humble effort in this direction, based on personal observations, long concern with value education and the experiment on value based education going on at Dev sanskriti University, Haridwar, Uttarrakhand, India.


  • Media is today a big industry and one of the fastest growing sectors

  • Which has its role to play as the fourth pillar of the democracy, watchdog of society and a tool of positive change and social transformation

  • Mahatma Gandhiji’s famous quotation is worth mentioning here, “Wealth without work; pleasure without conscience; knowledge without character; commerce without morality; science without humanity; religion without sacrifice; and politics without principle will lead to sinful acts disturbing peace and happiness” [3]

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Media is today a big industry and one of the fastest growing sectors. “With about 450 Channels, 400 FM channels, 1000 newspapers, 1000 magazines, and ever-growing new media – Media is a fastest growing sector in India. Values issues from a deeper or higher center of motivation in our personalities and carry far greater power than our opinions or attitudes. More important than it is 2nd - the teachers, the Acharyas who will transmit this education to the students and the 3rd level – the support system/Institutional environment provided by the visionary leadership of higher authorities committed for value education..

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