
The goal of this work is a scientific description of Durkheim's notionof suicide and collected data concerning the number of suicide cases,as well as the explanation of the suicide on the basis of overrulingsocial context or social factors. The starting point of this work is thesuicide issue as a global appearance which threatens to endanger publichealth in countries worldwide, and therefore it conditions the needfor introducing multi- sector prevention strategies, as well as continualresearches. Therefore the research subject presents the validationcheck on classical sociological standpoints concerning social causesfor suicide and specifically in the society of Bosnia and Herzegovinaat the beginning of the XXI century, in other words, searching forthe answer to the question-Can Durkheim's classic social study concerningsuicide explain the rate of suicides in Bosnia and Herzegovina(further in the text referred as B&H) at the beginning of the XXIcentury? Specifically, is the classic assumption of social conditioningconcerning suicide valid? In this work I used general scientific methods:hypothetical- deductive, statistic and inductive, as well as a casestudy for data gathering. The research outcomes derive from verifiedclassic assumptions about the causes of suicides in contemporary age,as well as unveiling the socially influenced causes of suicides and thepossible measures for their prevention. The suicide rate in B&H atthe beginning of the XXI century confirms the assumption on social-ly predestined suicide. The veracity of the raised rates of suicide inpeaceful rather than in war conditions was proven. The influence ofthe economic stagnancy and age was also proven to affect the rates ofsuicides in B&H at the beginning of the XXI century, and the assumptionon female resistance to suicide was validated as well.

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