
use after also being checked by linguists. The validity analysis of the scale for the data collected was performed with exploratory factor analysis and item-total correlation tests, while the property of reliability was determined using the Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficient and the stability test was carried out by determining the relationship between two applications conducted at an interval of the five weeks. The scale, which is called the “Scale for Determining the Civic-Mindedness Levels of Individuals” is a five-step Likert-type scale and consists of 27 items that can be collected under three factors. The factor names are “Openness to Criticism/Development”, “Participation/Activeness” and “Lack of Prejudice/Flexibility”. The KMO value of the scale was 0.956; and the Bartlett Test values were x2=11001.719; sd=351; p<0.000. Items in the scale accounted for 56.619% of the total variance. As a result of the confirmatory factor analysis, the χ2 value was 808.07 and the degree of freedom was 321. Χ2/df is 2.51. The fit indices of the scale were determined as RMSEA=0.067; S-RMR=0.049; NFI=0.97. The item-total corrected correlation coefficients of the items in the scale varied between 0.40 and 0.703 (p<.01). The reliability coefficient of the scale was Cronbach’s alpha at 0.954 and the stability coefficients of the items were between 0.496 and 0.674 (p<,01).

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