
In the 4.0 revolution era, 21st century skills are needed that will build superior human resources who can compete in their lives. One of the 21st century skills is literacy. However, the real conditions that occur indicate the lack of new literacy and disaster literacy abilities possessed by students. The solution made to overcome these problems is to develop a book chapter’s model integrated new literacy and disaster literacy. The type of research carried out is Research and Development (R&D) with Sugiyono’s development. The instrument used was an instrument at the potential and problem stage consisting of observation sheets of physics learning implementation, document analysis sheets, and analysis sheets of students’ initial knowledge tests in physics learning, then the validity test instruments and practicality test instruments. The results of data analysis from the research are book chapter’s model integrated with new literacy and disaster literacy with a validation value of 79.78 with good category and a practical value of 84.77 with excellent categories. So, it can be concluded that the book chapter’s model on thermodynamic and mechanical waves material integrated new literacy and disaster literacy is valid and practical for students of grade XI high school.

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