We report here validation of the Immulite 2000 Xpi cortisol immunoassay (Siemens; with kit lot numbers <550) for measurement of urine cortisol in dogs, with characterization of the precision (CV), accuracy (spiking-recovery [SR] bias), and observed total error (TEo = bias + 2CV) across the reportable range. Linearity assessed by simple linear regression was excellent. Imprecision, SR bias, and TEo increased markedly with decreasing urine cortisol concentration. Interlaboratory comparison studies determined range-based (RB) bias and average bias (AB). The 3 biases (SR, RB, and AB) and resulting TEo differed markedly. At 38.6 and 552 nmol/L (1.4 and 20 μg/dL), between-run CVs were 10% and 4.5%, respectively, and TEoRB were ~30% and 20%, respectively, similar to observations in serum in another validation study. These analytical performance parameters should be considered for urine cortisol:creatinine ratio (UCCR) result interpretation, given that, for any hypothetical errorless urine creatinine measurement, the error % on UCCR mirrors the error % on urine cortisol. Importantly, there is no commonly used interpretation threshold for UCCR, given that UCCR varies greatly depending on measurement methods and threshold computation. To date, there is no manufacturer-provided quality control material (QCM) with target values for urine cortisol with an Immulite; for Liquicheck QCM (Bio-Rad), between-run imprecision was ~5% for both QCM levels. Acceptable QC rules are heavily dependent on the desired total allowable error (TEa) for the QCM system, itself limited by the desired clinical TEa.
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