
AbstractThe Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Meteo product, a fast-delivery level-2 product at 10 arc min spatial resolution, has been available from the European Space Agency (ESA) since 19 August 2002. Validation has been performed on these data at the Met Office on a daily basis, with a 2-day lag from data receipt. Meteo product skin SSTs have been compared with point measurements of buoy SST, a 1° climate SST analysis field compiled from in situ measurements and Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) SSTs, and a 5° latitude–longitude 5-day averaged in situ dataset. Comparisons of the AATSR Meteo product against Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) SSTs are also presented. These validation results have confirmed the AATSR Meteo product skin SST to be within ±0.3 K of in situ data.Comparisons of the AATSR skin SSTs against buoy SSTs, from 19 August 2002 to 20 August 2003, give a mean difference (AATSR – buoy) of 0.04 K (standard deviation = 0.28 K) during nighttime, and a mean difference of 0.02 K (standard deviation = 0.39 K) during the day. Analyses of the buoy matchups have shown that there is no cool skin effect observed in the nighttime observations, implying that the three-channel AATSR product skin SST may be 0.1–0.2 K too warm. Comparisons with TMI SSTs confirm that the lower-latitude SSTs are not significantly affected by residual cloud contamination.

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