
of nonverbal intelligence. The test was developed to assess the generalcognitive ability of Pakistani youth. The items were constructed keeping inmind to tab the cognitive domains of fluid intelligence, abstract reasoning,spatial ability, working memory, processing speed, inductive anddeductive reasoning, application of logics, drawing of inferences andrelated abilities. Multidimensional construct methods were used todetermine the construct validity. The principal factor analysis withvarimax rotations yielded a single factor loading, an indicative of unifactor test. Inter correlation of five subscales and total test scores werefound to be highly significant (p < .001). The results showed thehomogeneity of the test. The discrimination validity of the test wasestablished by correlating the test scores with test takers performance ontest of physical agility and stamina. The Pearson correlation produced nonsignificant results between the two measures. The criterion validity wasestablished by correlating the test scores with academic achievementswhich generated highly significant correlations at p < .001. The convergentvalidity was established by correlation the scores with Raven progressivematrices, verbal intelligence tests and nonverbal intelligence being used atinter services selection boards. The results showed coefficient ofcorrelation .384, .227 and .396 respectively for RSPM, VIT and NVITwhich was highly significant at p. < .001. The age and grade differencesalso showed that the mean test score increases with age and grade. Theresults of the validity studies indicate that the proposed nonverbal test is avalid measure to assess the intelligence of Pakistani youth.

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