
Three-dimensional code DYN3D is widely used for the calculation of steady states and transients in light water reactors with hexagonal fuel assemblies like VVER. The capability of pin-by-pin power calculation is implemented in the code through an intranodal power reconstruction approach. The calculations of pin power distribution using DYN3D were performed for AER MIDICORE benchmark for the validation of given extension and developed cross-section library. MIDICORE VVER-1000 core periphery power distribution benchmark was proposed on the 20th Symposium of AER. It is a 2D calculation benchmark based on the VVER-1000 core cold state geometry taking into account the geometry of explicit radial reflector. The main issue of MIDICORE benchmark is to provide the reference solution for the validation of pin-by-pin power distribution at the VVER-1000 core periphery calculated by few-group diffusion codes.
 Various 3D neutron kinetics nodal solvers HEXNEM1, HEXNEM2 and HEXNEM3 are used in DYN3D for neutron flux distribution calculation. The AER MIDICORE benchmark was solved using all solvers implemented in DYN3D with regard to the three most representative fuel assemblies. Considered fuel assemblies are placed both in the inner part and in the peripheral part of the core, and contain the pin with integrated gadolinium burnable absorber. This paper provides results of comparing the effective multiplication factor, assembly-wise power distribution and pin-by-pin power distribution calculated by DYN3D with benchmark data.

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