
A method is proposed for the implementation of large-sample prompt-gamma neutron activation analysis (LS-PGNAA). The method was tested with four different sample materials at the thermal PGNAA facility at JAERI, Japan. The macroscopic scattering cross section (Σ s) and absorption cross section (Σ a) of the samples were determined by monitoring the neutron flux in four positions just outside the sample container. With the Σ s and Σ a determined, the spatial neutron density distribution [n(r)] inside the sample material was derived. Taking n(r) and the gamma-ray self-absorption into account simultaneously, the effective geometric gamma-ray detection efficiency for large samples as a function of gamma-ray energy was calculated. Taking silicon as test element, the concentrations found agreed to within 7% with the known concentrations in the four sample materials examined, both when using relative standardization and with absolute standardization.

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