
Semiconductor manufacturers are continuously driving efforts to put more computing power and speed into less volume. At the same time, consumers are demanding devices with more functionality that integrate a variety of interconnected circuit types. The result has been an increasing reliance on advanced packaging technologies that use fab-like processes to integrate multiple chips and to provide the increased I/O capability required. The demand for higher performance electronics in smaller packages has led to the development of wafer level packaging (WLP), panel level packaging (PLP) and fan-out level packaging. The need for low cost, smaller packages with high density interconnects for cell phones and wearable devices has been leading the development of advanced packaging. All of these advanced packaging techniques involve stacking multiple chips in vertical directions. In DRAM memory packaging, there are as many as eight dies integrated vertically and the manufacturers are trying to keep the thickness of the die as minimal as possible to keep an overall thin package profile. Backside thinning of fully processed wafers has become a widely used technique in the industry. Typical final wafer thickness in the early 1990s was around $450\mu \mathrm{m}$ but current wafers are usually thinner than $50\mu \mathrm{m}$ . As the final wafer thickness is getting thinner, they are becoming more fragile and susceptible to cracks and chips. Chipping and cracks can cause near-term yield and long-term reliability problems. If a chip or crack is discovered during the final processes of advanced packaging, the overall final yield will be lower. If it is not discovered, the end device may not be reliable in the real world and fail for the consumer, a more costly consequence. As wafers became thinner, the industry started seeing sidewall cracks, inner cracks and micro cracks starting from the kerf or street area initiated from wafer sawing. These types of cracks can cause air bubbles around the cracks during the molding process in fan-out packaging and eventually lead to mold cracking which can lead to lower yields. It would be very beneficial if these types of cracks are detected early and the affected die removed. However, these types of cracks are happening underneath the die surface and are difficult to see with traditional bright field and dark field illuminations because they are underneath the top surface. This paper describes inspection challenges for cracks underneath the die surface and possible solutions to overcome the challenges.

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