
Changing community and environment, encourage people to gain new competencies, accumulate their current and new skills. The broad methods‘ range provides an opportunity for the educator to reveal own competencies and make the learning process more engaging. There is a lot of attention paid to close relationship development between child and environment at our institution. Since 2010 environment protection has become the priority area. Six years ago we have started various discussions on the ecology subject, promoted various activities, that later turned into a project. Annual events and activities gaining strong community attention and support. Therefore, we are creatively moving forward, discovering new ideas, that we implement through the projects either recreational or cognitive events. We‘ve noticed, that creative project method helps to involve children with various needs and also adapts education content to the child‘s abilities. We pay a lot of attention to creativity expression in our environmental events. Creativity relates to curiosity, because through touching, sensing, taking and creating child is looking for a solution, new means of decision. We, educators, led by our nature and predilection, are seeking for those methods of work, which helps best to achieve our targets and aims. It is important to find reasonable methods, which would help to disclose individual learners‘ personality and release their creative powers. Each activity, that we introduce to children is known and usual, however, it‘s been introduced unconventionally, through the different approach and creativity. Children, along with their little friends, discovered new environment perception paths, shared their knowledge, insights and were learning from each other at the same time. Experiments, trials and discoveries encourage children to calm down, concentrate and experience the mystery and positive sensations. Each experiment is awarding child with pride and self-confidence, because knowledge is not enforced to the child, but discovered her/himself. Key words: cognition process, creativity development, environmental education, inanimate nature, learners experience, project activities.

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