
Abstract Aim To describe our laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal approach of a Grynfellt hernia. Material & Methods A female patient 69 years of age with no previous medical history came to our consultation with a chronic right lumbar bulge that produced local pain and discomfort. Preoperative CT scan showed a primary lumbar hernia with a defect estimated at 11cm. Laparoscopic approach seemed feasible and was accepted. Results The patient was placed on a left decubitus with the OR bed at a 45° angle. 3 trocars were used, one slightly lateral of the umbilicus for the camera, and for triangulation a subcostal 5mm and an 11mm trocar in the left flank. We started opening the peritoneum and performing preperitoneal space dissection. The hernia sac was identified and its contents were reduced. We closed the defect using a monofilament absorbable barbed suture with a running stitch. Once the defect was closed, we placed a medium-weight polypropylene mesh in a 3D “taco” configuration covering the defect with sufficient overlap. Both the mesh and the peritoneum closure were done using cyanoacrylate glue. No complications occurred and discharge was the next day. Conclusions Primary lumbar hernias are rare. Symptomatic hernias should be treated as they can lead to pain, discomfort, and a decrease in quality of life. Laparoscopic TAPP is a safe and simple way to access and repair these hernias, allowing an adequate space of dissection that permits the placement of a mesh tension-free with sufficient overlap, with a quick recovery time and minimal morbidity.

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