
Anime as media entertainment is indeed influential and captivating the interest of its audience regardless of age. In some series of Naruto Shippuden, there were seemingly controversial assertions by Uzumaki Nagato, regarding his ideology about the significance of pain or suffering in attaining a good end [Peace]. Thence, his ideology appears to be contradictory, ambiguous, and has a philosophical savor to an extent. In this research, the phenomenological analysis of Edmund Husserl will be utilized to understand the ideology of Uzumaki Nagato on suffering through his characterization on some episodes in the anime series Naruto Shippuden, at the same to make an analysis in his claim through revisiting philosophical excerpts on suffering and to excavate some philosophical tunes on his ideology. In this regard, this will be an exposition and analysis pertaining to the significance of the existence of suffering at the same time a phenomenological commentary of how Uzumaki Nagato holds the reality of it. The first part of this paper is an overview of the role of Uzumaki Nagato also known as Pain, and a descriptive analysis of his characterization as a villain and his significance. The second segment will be an exposition and analysis of some philosophical excerpts on suffering and the last part would be the conclusion. This paper will not give a new idea to solve the problem of suffering but just a reiteration of the role of suffering in human existence by pondering on the existential ideology of Uzumaki Nagato and other philosophical notion of suffering.

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