
The present article aims to describe socio-political context which has proceeded be- fore parliamentary election 2011 in Poland. It draws attention to the perception of parties and candidates and political preferences those voters who are interested in election. There are many voices the polish politicians activity in campaign takes places in divided country. One of the social expectations is connected with exploration of plane crash in Smolensk on April 10th 2010). Public opinion is focused on critic of government and leader's party (PO) Donald Tusk who is treated as a persona personally responsible for death oh 96 persons in a plane crash. On the other hand we can see strong activity and leadership of monk Tadeusz Rydzyk, tried to put impact on voters (PiS). Rydzyk tries to use catholic radio called „Radio Maryja to political agitation. The activity of Catholic Church in political campaign was one of the theme discussed by many experts and commentators. Although competition between parties was concentrated on two candidates (Tusk, Kaczynski) new party - „Palikot's Movement (Ruch Palikota) was opened. It focused on criti- cism of Catholic Church, Catholic values and tried to appeal to voters interested in modernity in many levels of socio-political life. The success of Janusz Palikot's party was possible thanks to personality and charisma of the leader (well known as an author of many spectacular events in politics) and his project of „Modern Country. The other element of the context of parliamentary election 2011 was mobility of Pol- ish electorate, permanently reduced. Because of the voters absence diagnosis of civil society in Poland seems to be worse than in the other countries in Europe. This proves that situation before parliamentary election 2011 in Poland was specific. The main research materials were: newspaper articles, interviews in magazines, TV advertisements, sociological surveys, websites. It has used problems from range of different sciences: sociology, media and political marketing.

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