
Foreword - Peter D Hart Preface - Bruce I Newman PART ONE: CONCEPTUAL AND HISTORICAL ORIGINS OF POLITICAL MARKETING Political Marketing - Philip Kotler and Neil Kotler Generating Effective Candidates, Campaigns and Causes Elite, Popular, and Merchandised Politics - Richard M Perloff Historical Origins of Presidential Campaign Marketing The Marketing Colonization of Political Campaigning - Dominic Wring A Conceptual Framework for Political Marketing - Patrick Butler and Neil Collins The Permanent Campaign - Dan Nimmo Marketing as a Governing Tool PART TWO: MANAGEMENT OF POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS Is There a European Style of Political Marketing? A Survey of Political Managers and Consultants - Fritz Plasser, Christian Scheucher and Christian Senft Political Consulting - Dennis F Kinsey Bridging the Academic and Practical Perspectives Managing Volunteers - Gregory G Lebel Times Have Changed - Or Have They? Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts - Dan Schnur Coordinating the Paid and Earned Media Message Money Doesn't Grow on Trees - Jennifer A Steen Fundraising in American Political Campaigns PART THREE: ANALYSIS OF THE POLITICAL MARKETPLACE Media Polls, Candidates, and Campaigns - Pama Mitchell and Rob Daves Pre-Election Polling and Political Campaigns - Eric W Rademacher and Alfred J Tuchfarber Exit Polls and Election Campaigns - Jurgen Hofrichter Only the Facts - Craig Varoga and Mike Rice Professional Research and Message Development A Predictive Model of Voter Behavior - Bruce I Newman The Re-Positioning of Bill Clinton Methodology of Constructing Effective Political Advertising - Andrzej Falkowski and Wojciech Cwalina An Empirical Study of the Polish Presidential Election in 1995 A Value-Oriented Model of Candidate Appraisal - Frank Huber and Andreas Herrmann Grabbing the Nonvoter - Dorina Miron PART FOUR: DEVELOPMENT OF POLITICAL STRATEGY The Nonverbal Image of Politicians and Political Parties - Gunter Schweiger and Michaela Adami Direct Marketing - Elaine Sherman How Does it Work for Political Campaigns? Televised Debates - Sidney Kraus Marketing Presidential Candidates Voter Segmentation and Candidate Positioning - Paul R Baines Political Advertising - Lynda Lee Kaid A Summary of Research Findings Through a Glass Darkly - J Harry Wray Television and American Electoral Politics Selected Aspects of Communication in German Election Campaigns - Knut Bergmann and Wolfram Wickert The Impact of Television on the Democratization Processes - Lilia Raycheva Does the Media Reflect or Shape Public Opinion - Jolan Roka PART FIVE: EXECUTION OF POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS The Machine was Alive and Well and Living in Skokie - Judith-Rae E Ross Limitations of Political Marketing? - Phil Harris, Andrew Lock and Jennie Roberts A Content Analysis of Press Coverage of Political Issues during the 1997 UK General Election Campaign Against the Fundamental Rules - Hans Schmid and Dietmar Ecker The Impact of Dr Joe's Strategic Positioning - Michael Strugl, Hans Lugmayr and Klaus Weissman A Case Study of a Successful Marketing-Based Election Campaign in Upper Austria Democracy and Elections in the New East Central Europe - Daniel Odescalchi 'Goods Over God' - Phil Harris, Hanne Gardner and Nadia Vetter Lobbying and Political Marketing - A Case Study of the Campaign by the Shopping Hours Reform Council to Change Sunday Trading Laws in the United Kingdom How Marketing Changed the World - Nigel Allington, Philip Morgan and Nicholas O'Shaughnessy The Political Marketing of an Idea - A Case Study of Privitization Interest Groups and the Political Process - Barbara Lindsay Gender Issues The Permanent Campaign - Wayne P Steger Marketing from the Hill PART SIX: POLITICAL MARKETING AND DEMOCRACY You Can't Teach a Dead Dog New Tricks - Jon B Gould The Problem of Campaign Finance and Why Reform Has Not Worked The Cyberspace Election of the Future - Dennis W Johnson Political Marketing and Political Propaganda - Nicholas O'Shaughnessy Money and Politics - J Harry Wray

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