
The study investigates learners’ awareness of their linguistic landscape (LL) and perspectives on the use of LL as part of classroom teaching and learning. It also examines the course instructor’s pedagogical perspective on the use of LL. The study aims to explore the potential benefits of utilizing bilingual public signage representing translational content to develop translation students’ critical literacy, language awareness, and translation skills through reflecting on the use of LL as a teaching and learning material. The study is significant as it addresses the gap in the literature on the use of LL to promote students’ critical literacy, language awareness, and translation skills in the EFL context of Oman. The samples of the study are 58 participants enrolled in undergraduate translation courses at Dhofar University. The data collection methods used in the study consist of focus group discussions, online surveys, and teacher’s retrospective reflection. The quantitative data were analyzed by IBM SPSS V26, while the qualitative data were analyzed by common themes that emerged from students’ feedback and teacher’s reflection. The findings of the study showed positive outcomes on the use of LL as a teaching and learning resource such as improved language awareness, language proficiency, translation skills, creativity, and critical thinking skills. The implication of the study is to draw attention to the existing quality of the learners’ LL and invite them to actively and responsibly participate in improving the linguistic landscapes of their local communities.

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