
This study examined “utilization of information resources and services among undergraduate students in federal university libraries, in South-South, Nigeria”. To achieve the purpose of this study, 3 research questions and 3 hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Literatures related to the variables under study were reviewed; accordingly, Ex-post facto research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study was the registered users of the libraryfor2018/2019 academic session. With a total population of 16620 students and a sample of 831 respondents was selected for the study representing 5% of the population. The selection was done through the stratified and purposive random sampling technique. In this case only the student’s library user that were available in the library as at the time of this research were used for the study. Questionnaire instrument was used for data collection. A total of eight hundred and thirty-one (831) copies of questionnaire were administered and eight hundred (800) copies were retrieved and found usable. Data was analyzed using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Analysis. The results of the analysis revealed a significant relationship between the librarian’s selective skills and students’ use of library resources. Based on these findings, it was recommended, among others that; Librarians should continue to make sure that the right materials are purchase in the library for optimal utilization.

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